Apocalyptic or post-Apocalyptic fiction is probably my favourite literary sub-genre, and that's true for films as well, as long as they're not too scary...!
Of late, zombies are what's been on my mind (one of the less realistic end-of-days scenarios to concern myself with, I admit), because Samuel has been playing The Last of Us.
So this weekend, we thought it would be fun to make ourselves a zombie themed print. As usual, we were limited by the type we had available (this really isn't the right font), but I'm quite pleased with this nonetheless.
(we didn't do this as thoroughly as we usually would, it was getting late and we figured if zombies are approaching, careful letter-spacing probably isn't at the forefront of one's mind...)
(only red and black will do, for zombies, really)
A quick proof:
And the final print:
We've done quite a lot of other printing this weekend, but it has been less than satisfactory. For me, this was a bit of a
I think my trouble is remembering that real life doesn't actually happen in a montage. If you want to get good at something you need to practice, practice, practice... and in this case, possibly also seek advice or tuition from someone who actually knows what they're doing!
So, we've booked ourselves onto a one-day Adana course at St Bride's Library in October. Hopefully we can make sure we're getting the basics right, and move forward from there...