Sure, we've dabbled in bespoke work, wedding invites and so forth, but our bread and butter has been cards, cards, and more cards. Quite a lot of them with naughty words on, to be honest.
In time for Christmas this year, we're keen to scale up to something a little larger, and have produced a selection of prints. We thought you might like to take a look at them, and their production process.
First up, our CMYK-Bees:
This one was pretty labour-intensive. We only have the one 'bee' block, so each print had to go through the press 4 times, once for each colour.
Cyan bee on press:
Here's a detail shot of the final print:
Keeping with the nature theme, and vintage print blocks, here's our Butterflies piece. Two colours this time, so only 2 passes per print:
I had a lovely time mixing the colours for this one. Dusky rose:
And... not sure what you'd call this one? Peacock blue? Jade green? Turquoise?
Moving on from nature to our other great love in life... stationery! Here's our Scissors print:
I don't have many on press pics of this one. Only one colour this time, but still 3 passes on press for each print:
I love the way the lines of the scissors sort of interlock where they overlap:
Finally, our Pencils print. Probably my favourite, but don't tell the other prints I said that:
We tried this one out on 2 types of board, a plain 330gsm (right), and a more textured 450gsm (left):
The 450gsm board (called Wild White) won out in the end, I love the way the design really bites into the paper when using this slightly pulpier board:
We experimented with various shades of blue to complement the tangerine orange:
Hopefully you like our final choice :)
That's all for now folks, all prints are available to purchase right now on our website. Go on, you know you want to.